Real Estate Attorney Resume Example
Sarah Johansen,
44 St. Paul Street,
Churlton, GA 99283,
To obtain a legal position in the corporate real estate attorney.
Georgia State University College of Law, GA
Bachelor of Science degree in Government
May 1995
Work Experience:
Cato Corporation, Bremen, GA
Corporate Real Estate Attorney
- Responsible for administrative and legal activities of the Real Estate Department.
- Taking part in the negotiation of the legal facets of lease documents.
- Supervising the production of all leases and lease related documents.
Safeway Inc, Baxley, GA
Real Estate Manager
- Find out locations for new stores, negotiate and draft documentation for leases, and develop and purchase agreement for multi million dollar projects.
- Examined and estimated store site locations, property value, their availability, access, population trends, zoning development problems, competition and sales potential.
- Made and evaluated financial proformas.
- Made initial draft documents like letters of intent for purchase, leases and development agreements.
- Reviewed final documents prepared by the attorney.
hmm , thats a very nice resume sample, thanks for sharing this sample becuase it is very hard to find a real estate attorney resume samples..